Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Once upon a time, no more gollies. The End.

That is one of the first stories My Middle Girl ever told (sometime in her early two's). Her big sister had just told an elaborate bedtime story involving lots of imaginary friends. When it was Middle's turn she said, Once upon a time, no more gollies. The end. Then she reached up and turned out the light.
She has this amazing mind and is curious about everything. Last night she drew pictures of colorful swirls and explained to me that these swirls are how she is feelings inside. Trapped in her little restless body is a mind full of swirling emotions. I know this feeling.


Anonymous said...

I know this feeling as well. I believe it is a family trait that binds us all together. I have never heard it articulated so accurately though. She is a genius!

Pseudo said...

Wow, she is really cool. someday those swirls will come out in very creative ways.

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is a girl who knows how to tell a story.

Vodka Mom said...

She rocks. (and I love the photo...)